
Nelly Latypova
2 min readFeb 6, 2019

Candidates often mention that they can handle stress at work.

That is not true.

Stress can be different. It may concearn people, tasks, overall corporate environment. Stress is multi-faced.

Today, I had an interview. That was my first job interview where recruiters were very much paying my attention that the job I applied for is very stressful.

Within our intercource, I had a feeling they tried to persuade me change my mind. It seemed like they tried to prevent me that something horrible is awaiting me if I eventually get that very job.

The last question they posed in order to try it one more time depict how stressfull the job is, was as follows:

“Do you know where … is?”

I smiled. Though they could not see that.

“I do,” replied I.

“Nelly, … is in the middle of nowhere!” added the recruiter.

Being in the middle of nowhere among one and the same people can be quite stressful.

If you live in a big city, you get used to be surrounded by people. When you go to some remote deserted places you may feel stressed there.

My last position was quite stressful. It mostly was such due to an awaful team environment. I struggled and survived 2,5 years. It was not easy. Afterwards, it took me a while to get rid of those thoughts that were gnawing me inside. After resignation, I slept a lot. My brain needed some rest though I was alright.

Stress is wonderful killer. A bit of tence is fine, work or any other activity may cause you some tension or so, because life is not as smooth as we wish. However, stress is killing. You either go or invent ways to beat it.

